Friday, April 16, 2010

I just had to


You knew it was coming. After so many days of nothing but this, I had to show these off. They're still not very big, but at least they're green..and the one is mint so, technically, I could already eat it.

You're right if you guessed that the other is a strawberry plant. My photographer (and sometimes boyfriend when he takes really good pictures) didn't seem to think that plants look better without their tags. Or in daylight. He also didn't seem to think they would look better separated, allowing each its own little moment to shine but, again, what does he know? I'll be sure to oversee the next 'take pictures of the plants' mission.

Did I mention that we have tickets to the White House Garden Tour this weekend? This is very exciting (for me) and I just know he'll love it as soon as we set foot in the rose garden. How could he not?

We'll also get a chance to check out the WH vegetable garden. Something tells me Michelle's tomatoes look a little better than mine...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Noone would mistake me for a patient person. I'm always itching to get on with it. This is why waiting for seeds to sprout is like torture for me.

Even though I made an entire spreadsheet of the germination times of all of my seeds and I knew that none of them would sprout before the end of the week, I still checked every single day.

It won't surprise you, then, to know that when the first of the seeds sprouted (basil, of course), I called my boyfriend over to take a look. Let's just say he wasn't nearly as excited as I was. What does he know anyway?

Monday, April 12, 2010

The waiting game


So this weekend at Home Depot, there was a buy one get one free sale on seeds. I'm pretty sure I bought everything in the store.

I came home and began sowing them in the peat pellets, all the while thinking, where am I going to plant all of this? I have a small plot on the patio so, clearly I am creating a patio garden!

Before the fun begins and I forget, here's an inventory of everything I've planted so far.

Purple Basil
Lemon Balm

Green/Red Peppers
Anaheim Chili Peppers

Painted Daisy
Purple Coneflowers

I also bought already potted mint, two tomato plants and two strawberry plants.

Here's how much I spent.

Herbs 6.36
Vegetables 1.87
Flowers 3.75
Mint 1.98
Tomato Plants 3.96
Strawberry Plants 5.96
Greenhouse cases 9.96
Organic Potting Soil 8.97
Total $42.81

You save so much with seeds but I've always had trouble with mint, tomatoes and strawberries. Besides, I wanted something I didn't have to wait on.

Hopefully my next post will include pictures of seedlings!

In the meantime, here's what's growing on the patio now.